René Kassavugu: Scrutinizing DA’s controversies, echoes of apartheid legacies

The digital landscape has again brought to light unsettling racial discord in South Africa, this time involving a member of the Democratic Alliance, D.A at a prestigious restaurant in Rosebank, as revealed by a social media post that went viral.

Descriptions of the incident detailed a disturbing public tirade replete with racial slurs and demeaning behavior. In a country still grappling with the scars of apartheid, such incidents ignite public outrage and raise questions about the prevalence of racism in spaces frequented by those in power. While social media has often been a catalyst for social change, it also serves as a mirror reflecting the unresolved racial prejudices that continue to fracture the nation.

“My hubby’s working at one of Jozi’s top-notch spots in Rosebank, Marble restaurant, right in the heart of Jo’burg. It’s a place where the big guns from the government hang out like it’s their backyard. Usually, things run smooth, but this past weekend, we had a real doozy of an incident.

“This man rocks up with his lady, and right from the get-go, you could tell things were gonna be dodgy. The guy was reeking of booze, battling to keep upright. No sooner had they settled, they start going at each other full tilt, loud enough to stir up a fuss with other patrons. My man had no choice but to step in, asking them to tone it down.
But, flip, you’d think he’d asked for the moon. The guy gets all puffed up, starts throwing around that he’s with DA, spouting off some real nasty stuff like ‘trained monkeys should know where they belong’ and wanting to ‘dissolve this zoo.’ Ends it by chucking cash in my husband’s face before they leave.
I want more people to hear our story and understand what really stands behind the sweet speeches of the DA and how they communicate with people when the reporters’ cameras are not around!” — The author states in his message.


The viral post echoes a distressing pattern of racial incidents in regions under the Democratic Alliance’s stewardship. Entertainment SA’s report on the Bala brothers’ experience in Gordon’s Bay is a stark illustration of this issue. The account describes a confrontation filled with racial hostility, leaving individuals like Zwai Bala in a state of shock and disbelief. These narratives, surfacing repeatedly, point to a systemic issue that extends beyond individual actions, suggesting an environment where such attitudes are met with implicit tolerance rather than unequivocal condemnation.


The incident at a KFC in the Cape Winelands, as reported by CapeTownEtc, is yet another instance that typifies the challenges faced by black South Africans in everyday scenarios. The report details an altercation involving racial slurs and physical violence, underscoring a broader societal malaise. The response, or lack thereof, by local authorities and the DA leadership, paints a concerning picture of neglect and a failure to prioritize racial harmony. Such incidents contribute to a climate of fear and alienation among the very citizens the party claims to represent.


Zimoja has brought attention to troubling statements made by DA leader John Steenhuisen, which have been characterized as dismissive and offensive toward crime prevention wardens. His labeling of these community protectors as “drunkards” with “cheap uniforms” is not only a gross generalization but also indicative of a disconnect from the on-the-ground realities and struggles faced by the individuals he critiques. These remarks are emblematic of a leadership style that may contribute to widening the chasm between the DA and the communities it serves.


News24 sheds light on the DA’s internal strife, particularly the case where a member was ousted from the party after publicly labeling another a racist.

This situation presents a microcosm of the broader issues of race that the party is accused of failing to adequately address. Such events within the party hierarchy signal to the public a possible resistance to acknowledging and confronting the deep-seated issues of racism that are being called out from within.


The connection between political donations and policy priorities is well-established, and in the case of the DA, financial contributions from individuals such as Martin Moshal, as highlighted by IOL, may suggest a potential alignment with elite interests over those of the average citizen. These contributions beg the question of whether the party’s political compass is being unduly influenced by the wealthy, potentially at the expense of a commitment to social justice and racial equality.


Further investigation into the DA’s funding, reported by My Vote Counts, reveals a concerning trend: a handful of billionaires, like Moshal, significantly prop up the party’s resources. This pattern raises doubts about the DA’s dedication to the broad spectrum of its constituents, particularly those who are marginalized and disadvantaged. When a party’s financial sustenance is so heavily reliant on a small, homogenous group of funders, it challenges the party’s capacity to genuinely represent the diverse interests of its electorate.

In light of these deeply troubling reports, a question emerges for the Democratic Alliance: how will it redefine its stance and policies to foster a truly non-racial society? As incidents of racism continue to surface, the party faces a critical juncture. It must either take tangible steps toward inclusivity and equality or risk further alienation from the nation’s majority. The DA’s actions in the coming days will be pivotal in determining whether it can rise to the challenge of healing the wounds of the past or if it will remain ensnared by them.

The path to a unified South Africa lies not only in the renunciation of racism by political parties but also in the active dismantling of structures that perpetuate inequality. It is only through sustained, concerted efforts to address these systemic issues that South Africa can hope to forge a future that honors the dignity and worth of every citizen. The time has come for the Democratic Alliance and all political entities to not only introspect but to act decisively in the fight against racism, ensuring that incidents like those reported are relegated to the annals of history, never to be repeated.

René Kassavugu writes from Capetown, South Africa and can be reached via E-mail :

René Kassavugu: Scrutinizing DA’s controversies, echoes of apartheid legacies

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