And the winners of the 2023 awards for worst customer service are …

And the winners of the 2023 awards for worst customer service are …

We celebrate the companies that went the extra mile … to inflate their balance sheets and let down loyal customers

These are troubling times for big business. Traders, fighting for survival, need to focus on money. They absolutely do not have the time and resources to hand-hold unreasonable customers who insist on receiving goods and services in return for their outlay.

What these customers don’t realise is that companies have already lavished lucre on their wellbeing. They invest in moving mission statements so we know our payments are supporting social justice. They sink turnover into alluring marketing campaigns to win loyalty. When we stump up, they would reward us with the wares – if global forces didn’t conspire against them. Your faulty new car can’t be fixed? That’ll be because of the war in Ukraine. A refund can’t be processed? Blame the pandemic.

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